The node is now in the Shelley era, but block production is still controlled by the BFT nodes. Create the first stake pool for the system:
Generating pool owner keys
You need an address and funds (for the pool owner):
Copy cardano-cli address key-gen \
--verification-key-file pool1/payment.vkey \
--signing-key-file pool1/payment.skey
To delegate your stake to the pool, you will need stake keys:
Copy cardano-cli stake-address key-gen \
--verification-key-file pool1/stake.vkey \
--signing-key-file pool1/stake.skey
Build the address:
Copy cardano-cli address build \
--payment-verification-key-file pool1/payment.vkey \
--stake-verification-key-file pool1/stake.vkey \
--out-file pool1/payment.addr \
--testnet-magic 42
Send some funds to the pool owner address from user1.payment.addr
Copy cardano-cli transaction build \
--shelley-era \
--testnet-magic 42 \
--invalid-hereafter $(expr $(cardano-cli query tip --testnet-magic 42 | jq .slot) + 1000) \
--tx-in $(cardano-cli query utxo --address $(cat utxo-keys/user1.payment.addr) --testnet-magic 42 --out-file /dev/stdout | jq -r 'keys[]') \
--tx-out $(cat pool1/payment.addr)+50000000000000 \
--change-address $(cat utxo-keys/user1.payment.addr) \
--out-file transactions/tx3.raw
Sign the transaction:
Copy cardano-cli transaction sign \
--tx-body-file transactions/tx3.raw \
--signing-key-file utxo-keys/user1.payment.skey \
--testnet-magic 42 \
--out-file transactions/tx3.signed
Submit it to the blockchain:
Copy cardano-cli transaction submit \
--testnet-magic 42 \
--tx-file transactions/tx3.signed
Copy cardano-cli query utxo --address $(cat pool1/payment.addr) --testnet-magic 42
Copy TxHash TxIx Amount
d8dad0d24242b26e037f9b0120030fc2d5c5449d859ecd3267f6453dd66bf0c3 0 50000000000000
Generating stake pool keys
Generate cold keys:
Copy cardano-cli node key-gen \
--cold-verification-key-file pool1/cold.vkey \
--cold-signing-key-file pool1/cold.skey \
--operational-certificate-issue-counter-file pool1/opcert.counter
Generate VRF keys:
Copy cardano-cli node key-gen-VRF \
--verification-key-file pool1/vrf.vkey \
--signing-key-file pool1/vrf.skey
Generate KES keys:
Copy cardano-cli node key-gen-KES \
--verification-key-file pool1/kes.vkey \
--signing-key-file pool1/kes.skey
To generate the operational certificate:
Copy cardano-cli node issue-op-cert \
--kes-verification-key-file pool1/kes.vkey \
--cold-signing-key-file pool1/cold.skey \
--operational-certificate-issue-counter pool1/opcert.counter \
--kes-period 0 \
--out-file pool1/opcert.cert
You can now create a topology file for the pool and update the BFT nodes' topologies so that they include the pool:
Copy cat > pool1/topology.json <<EOF
"Producers": [
"addr": "",
"port": 3000,
"valency": 1
"addr": "",
"port": 3001,
"valency": 1
Copy cat > bft0/topology.json <<EOF
"Producers": [
"addr": "",
"port": 3001,
"valency": 1
"addr": "",
"port": 3002,
"valency": 1
Copy cat > bft1/topology.json <<EOF
"Producers": [
"addr": "",
"port": 3000,
"valency": 1
"addr": "",
"port": 3002,
"valency": 1
Next, write a script to start the stake pool node:
Copy cat > pool1/ <<EOF
#!/usr/bin/env bash
cardano-node run \
--config ../configuration/config.json \
--topology topology.json \
--database-path db \
--socket-path node.socket \
--port 3002 \
--shelley-kes-key kes.skey \
--shelley-vrf-key vrf.skey \
--shelley-operational-certificate opcert.cert
Give it executable permissions:
Copy chmod +x pool1/
You should be ready to start the node from the pool1 directory.
The pool cannot create blocks just yet. You need to register it to the blockchain.
Registering the stake address
Create a registration certificate:
Copy cardano-cli stake-address registration-certificate \
--stake-verification-key-file pool1/stake.vkey \
--out-file pool1/stake.cert
Registering a stake address requires a two ada deposit:
Copy cardano-cli query protocol-parameters --testnet-magic 42 | grep stakeAddressDeposit
"stakeAddressDeposit": 2000000,
Use the build-raw
command this time, note that it does not automatically calculate fees and change. Again, for simplicity, pay a one ada fee and add the two ada deposit. Use a variable for the change calculations:
Copy CHANGE=$(($(cardano-cli query utxo --address $(cat pool1/payment.addr) --testnet-magic 42 --out-file /dev/stdout | jq -cs '.[0] | to_entries | .[] | .value.value') - 3000000))
Copy cardano-cli transaction build-raw \
--shelley-era \
--fee 1000000 \
--invalid-hereafter $(expr $(cardano-cli query tip --testnet-magic 42 | jq .slot) + 1000) \
--tx-in $(cardano-cli query utxo --address $(cat pool1/payment.addr) --testnet-magic 42 --out-file /dev/stdout | jq -r 'keys[]') \
--tx-out $(cat pool1/payment.addr)+$CHANGE \
--certificate-file pool1/stake.cert \
--out-file transactions/tx4.raw
Copy cardano-cli transaction sign \
--tx-body-file transactions/tx4.raw \
--signing-key-file pool1/payment.skey \
--signing-key-file pool1/stake.skey \
--testnet-magic 42 \
--out-file transactions/tx4.signed
Copy cardano-cli transaction submit \
--testnet-magic 42 \
--tx-file transactions/tx4.signed
Registering a stake pool
Now, it's time to register the stake pool. On a real network, you would need to have metadata for your pool so that it could be properly displayed by wallets. It is not strictly necessary, but for learning purposes, you can use this same file from the documentation.
Get the file:
Copy wget -O pool1/poolmetadata.json
Get the metadata hash and save it to a file:
Copy cardano-cli stake-pool metadata-hash \
--pool-metadata-file pool1/poolmetadata.json --out-file pool1/poolmetadata.hash
Generate the registration certificate:
Copy cardano-cli stake-pool registration-certificate \
--cold-verification-key-file pool1/cold.vkey \
--vrf-verification-key-file pool1/vrf.vkey \
--pool-pledge 1000000000000 \
--pool-cost 340000000 \
--pool-margin 10/100 \
--pool-reward-account-verification-key-file pool1/stake.vkey \
--pool-owner-stake-verification-key-file pool1/stake.vkey \
--testnet-magic 42 \
--pool-relay-ipv4 \
--pool-relay-port 3002 \
--metadata-url \
--metadata-hash $(cat pool1/poolmetadata.hash) \
--out-file pool1/pool-registration.cert
Create a delegation certificate to honor your pledge:
Copy cardano-cli stake-address delegation-certificate \
--stake-verification-key-file pool1/stake.vkey \
--cold-verification-key-file pool1/cold.vkey \
--out-file pool1/delegation.cert
Query the protocol parameters again to find the pool deposit:
Copy cardano-cli query protocol-parameters --testnet-magic 42 | grep stakePoolDeposit
"stakePoolDeposit": 500000000,
Now, to make a 500 ada deposit, submit both the delegation certificate and the registration certificate:
Copy CHANGE=$(($(cardano-cli query utxo --address $(cat pool1/payment.addr) --testnet-magic 42 --out-file /dev/stdout | jq -cs '.[0] | to_entries | .[] | .value.value') - 501000000))
Copy cardano-cli transaction build-raw \
--shelley-era \
--fee 1000000 \
--invalid-hereafter $(expr $(cardano-cli query tip --testnet-magic 42 | jq .slot) + 10000) \
--tx-in $(cardano-cli query utxo --address $(cat pool1/payment.addr) --testnet-magic 42 --out-file /dev/stdout | jq -r 'keys[]') \
--tx-out $(cat pool1/payment.addr)+$CHANGE \
--certificate-file pool1/pool-registration.cert \
--certificate-file pool1/delegation.cert \
--out-file transactions/tx5.raw
Copy cardano-cli transaction sign \
--tx-body-file transactions/tx5.raw \
--signing-key-file pool1/payment.skey \
--signing-key-file pool1/stake.skey \
--signing-key-file pool1/cold.skey \
--testnet-magic 42 \
--out-file transactions/tx5.signed
Copy cardano-cli transaction submit \
--testnet-magic 42 \
--tx-file transactions/tx5.signed
Copy cardano-cli stake-pool id --cold-verification-key-file pool1/cold.vkey --output-format "hex"
Now you should wait for the next epoch transition for the stake snapshot to pick up your pool, and two epochs for your pool to start producing blocks. For this to work, you must lower the decentralization parameter (currently set to 1).