Upgrading cardano-node and cardano-cli


Ensuring that the Cardano node remains up-to-date is a critical responsibility for all stake pool operators. To facilitate a smooth and secure updating process, it is advisable to compile the cardano-node and cardano-cli binaries on a separate machine before uploading them to the block-producing server. This approach minimizes the downtime of the actual stake pool server and reduces the risk of encountering build issues during the update.

In certain scenarios, updating the cardano-node version may necessitate a chain replay. In such cases, it becomes essential to prepare not only the binaries but also a synchronized blockchain database on the separate machine. This pre-synced database can then be transferred to the block-producing server, enabling the node to resume operations without the need for a lengthy resynchronization from the genesis block.

1) Building and uploading the binaries

Start by building and uploading the new Cardano node and Cardano CLI binaries:

  1. Download or build the new versions. Download the static binaries from https://github.com/input-output-hk/cardano-node/releases or clone the latest version of the Cardano node repository and compile the new versions of cardano-node and cardano-cli.

    git checkout tags/<tag>
    nix build .#hydraJobs.musl.cardano-node-linux
    cd result
    tar -xf cardano-node-x.x.x-linux.tar.gz
    cp ./cardano-node ./cardan0-cli ~/.local/bin/

2) Database operations

If a chain replay is required, follow these steps to sync the node and prepare the database:

  1. Sync the new node. Start and fully sync the new node with the blockchain on a separate machine. Ensure a clean shutdown of the node to preserve the integrity of the database.

  2. Compress blockchain data. Once the new node has fully synced, compress the blockchain data into a tarball:

    tar -czvf db.tar.gz ./db
  3. Calculate SHA-256 hash. Generate the SHA-256 hash for the tarball:

    sha256sum db.tar.gz > db.tar.gz.sha256
  4. Transfer the database. Transfer the compressed blockchain data tarball, and the hash file to the ~/src directory on your block-producing server:

    scp db.tar.gz <user>@<your_node_ip>:~/src/
    scp db.tar.gz.sha256 <user>@<your_node_ip>:~/src/
  5. On the block-producing server, verify the SHA-256 hash of the transferred tarball:

    sha256sum -c db.tar.gz.sha256

    If the output says "cardano-db.tar.gz: OK", the file was transferred without corruption.

3) Upload binaries and database, and restart the node

Once the database and the new binaries are ready, you can replace the old ones and restart your node:

  1. Shut down the node. Cleanly shut down your cardano-node service:

    sudo systemctl stop cardano-node.service
  2. Back up the existing database:

    mv ./db ./dbbackup
  3. Transfer the binaries: Transfer the new binaries to the block-producing server:

    scp ~/.local/bin/cardano-node <user>@<your_node_ip>:~/src/
    scp ~/.local/bin/cardnao-cli <user>@<your_node_ip>:~/src/    
  4. Back up the current binaries. Before replacing them, back up your current binaries:

    mv /usr/local/bin/cardano-node /usr/local/bin/cardano-node.bak
    mv /usr/local/bin/cardano-cli /usr/local/bin/cardano-cli.bak
  5. Replace the binaries. Replace the current cardano-node and cardano-cli binaries with the new ones:

    cp ~/src/cardano-node /usr/local/bin/
    cp ~/src/cardano-cli /usr/local/bin/
  6. Extract the new database. Navigate to ~/src/ and extract the database:

    tar -xzvf db.tar.gz -C ~/
  7. Restart the node. Finally, restart the cardano-node service:

    sudo systemctl start cardano-node.service

Last updated

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