The Haskell runtime system is a software layer that provides a set of services that enable Haskell programs to execute. At a high level, the Haskell runtime system provides the following services:
Memory management: the Haskell runtime system manages the allocation and deallocation of memory used by the program. This includes allocating memory for data structures, managing the stack and heap, and freeing memory that is no longer in use.
Garbage collection: the Haskell runtime system automatically collects and frees memory that is no longer being used by the program. This ensures that memory is used efficiently and helps to prevent memory leaks.
Concurrency and parallelism: the Haskell runtime system provides support for concurrency and parallelism through features like lightweight threads, software transactional memory, and parallel arrays. This enables Haskell programs to take advantage of modern multicore processors and to execute computations in parallel.
Exception handling: the Haskell runtime system provides a mechanism for handling exceptions that occur during program execution. This includes both synchronous exceptions, which occur as a result of a program error, and asynchronous exceptions, which occur as a result of external events such as signals.
IOG-released binaries are built with the following RTS options (-with-rtsopts): -T -I0 -A16m -N2 --disable-delayed-os-memory-return . This means that the node uses these options at runtime by default. You can check it thus:
Users have the option to select different configurations by adjusting the -with-rtsopts in the node's Cabal file and then building the node with the updated settings. For instance:
Users can extend and override options in -with-rtsopts by running cardano-node with command-line RTS options. To discover the available options, use the following command:
cardano-node +RTS -?
cardano-node: Usage: <prog> <args> [+RTS <rtsopts> | -RTS <args>] ... --RTS <args>
cardano-node: +RTS Indicates run time system options follow
cardano-node: -RTS Indicates program arguments to follow
cardano-node: --RTS Indicates that ALL subsequent arguments will be given to the
cardano-node: program (including any of these RTS flags)
cardano-node: The following run time system options are available:
cardano-node: -? Prints this message and exits; the program is not executed
cardano-node: --info Print information about the RTS used by this program
cardano-node: --nonmoving-gc
cardano-node: Selects the non-moving mark-and-sweep garbage collector to
cardano-node: manage the oldest generation.
cardano-node: --copying-gc
cardano-node: Selects the copying garbage collector to manage all generations.
cardano-node: -K<size> Sets the maximum stack size (default: 80% of the heap)
cardano-node: Egs: -K32k -K512k -K8M
cardano-node: -ki<size> Sets the initial thread stack size (default 1k) Egs: -ki4k -ki2m
cardano-node: -kc<size> Sets the stack chunk size (default 32k)
cardano-node: -kb<size> Sets the stack chunk buffer size (default 1k)
cardano-node: -A<size> Sets the minimum allocation area size (default 1m) Egs: -A20m -A10k
cardano-node: -AL<size> Sets the amount of large-object memory that can be allocated
cardano-node: before a GC is triggered (default: the value of -A)
cardano-node: -F<n> Sets the collecting threshold for old generations as a factor of
cardano-node: the live data in that generation the last time it was collected
cardano-node: (default: 2.0)
cardano-node: -n<size> Allocation area chunk size (0 = disabled, default: 0)
cardano-node: -O<size> Sets the minimum size of the old generation (default 1M)
cardano-node: -M<size> Sets the maximum heap size (default unlimited) Egs: -M256k -M1G
cardano-node: -H<size> Sets the minimum heap size (default 0M) Egs: -H24m -H1G
cardano-node: -xb<addr> Sets the address from which a suitable start for the heap memory
cardano-node: will be searched from. This is useful if the default address
cardano-node: clashes with some third-party library.
cardano-node: -xn Use the non-moving collector for the old generation.
cardano-node: -m<n> Minimum % of heap which must be available (default 3%)
cardano-node: -G<n> Number of generations (default: 2)
cardano-node: -c<n> Use in-place compaction instead of copying in the oldest generation
cardano-node: when live data is at least <n>% of the maximum heap size set with
cardano-node: -M (default: 30%)
cardano-node: -c Use in-place compaction for all oldest generation collections
cardano-node: (the default is to use copying)
cardano-node: -w Use mark-region for the oldest generation (experimental)
cardano-node: -I<sec> Perform full GC after <sec> idle time (default: 0.3, 0 == off)
cardano-node: -T Collect GC statistics (useful for in-program statistics access)
cardano-node: -t[<file>] One-line GC statistics (if <file> omitted, uses stderr)
cardano-node: -s[<file>] Summary GC statistics (if <file> omitted, uses stderr)
cardano-node: -S[<file>] Detailed GC statistics (if <file> omitted, uses stderr)
cardano-node: -Z Don't squeeze out update frames on stack overflow
cardano-node: -B Sound the bell at the start of each garbage collection
cardano-node: -h Heap residency profile (output file <program>.hp)
cardano-node: -hT Produce a heap profile grouped by closure type
cardano-node: -i<sec> Time between heap profile samples (seconds, default: 0.1)
cardano-node: -C<secs> Context-switch interval in seconds.
cardano-node: 0 or no argument means switch as often as possible.
cardano-node: Default: 0.02 sec.
cardano-node: -V<secs> Master tick interval in seconds (0 == disable timer).
cardano-node: This sets the resolution for -C and the heap profile timer -i,
cardano-node: and is the frequency of time profile samples.
cardano-node: Default: 0.01 sec.
cardano-node: -N[<n>] Use <n> processors (default: 1, -N alone determines
cardano-node: the number of processors to use automatically)
cardano-node: -maxN[<n>] Use up to <n> processors automatically
cardano-node: -qg[<n>] Use parallel GC only for generations >= <n>
cardano-node: (default: 0, -qg alone turns off parallel GC)
cardano-node: -qb[<n>] Use load-balancing in the parallel GC only for generations >= <n>
cardano-node: (default: 1 for -A < 32M, 0 otherwise;
cardano-node: -qb alone turns off load-balancing)
cardano-node: -qn<n> Use <n> threads for parallel GC (defaults to value of -N)
cardano-node: -qa Use the OS to set thread affinity (experimental)
cardano-node: -qm Don't automatically migrate threads between CPUs
cardano-node: -qi<n> If a processor has been idle for the last <n> GCs, do not
cardano-node: wake it up for a non-load-balancing parallel GC.
cardano-node: (0 disables, default: 0)
cardano-node: --numa[=<node_mask>]
cardano-node: Use NUMA, nodes given by <node_mask> (default: off)
cardano-node: --install-signal-handlers=<yes|no>
cardano-node: Install signal handlers (default: yes)
cardano-node: -e<n> Maximum number of outstanding local sparks (default: 4096)
cardano-node: -xp Assume that all object files were compiled with -fPIC
cardano-node: -fexternal-dynamic-refs and load them anywhere in the address
cardano-node: space
cardano-node: -xm Base address to mmap memory in the GHCi linker
cardano-node: (hex; must be <80000000)
cardano-node: -xq The allocation limit given to a thread after it receives
cardano-node: an AllocationLimitExceeded exception. (default: 100k)
cardano-node: -Mgrace=<n>
cardano-node: The amount of allocation after the program receives a
cardano-node: HeapOverflow exception before the exception is thrown again, if
cardano-node: the program is still exceeding the heap limit.
cardano-node: RTS options may also be specified using the GHCRTS environment variable.
cardano-node: Other RTS options may be available for programs compiled a different way.
cardano-node: The GHC User's Guide has full details.
For example, this will extend the default options with -qg and -qb::
cardano-node run --topology configuration/topology.json \
--database-path db \
--socket-path socket/node.socket \
--port 3000 \
--config configuration/config.json \
+RTS -qg -qb
Where +RTS ... signals to the runtime system about passing runtime system options. The above example uses:
-T: produces runtime-system statistics, such as the amount of time spent executing the program and in the garbage collector, the amount of memory allocated, the maximum size of the heap, and so on. The three variants provide different levels of detail: -T collects the data but produces no output. Access the statistics using GHC.Stats.
-N2: specifies the number of threads to use for parallel execution. The -N2 flag indicates that the Haskell runtime system should use two parallel threads.
-A16m: sets the maximum heap size for the generational garbage collector to 16 megabytes.
-I0: specifies the amount of idle time that must pass before an idle GC is performed. Setting -I0 disables the idle GC.
--disable-delayed-os-memory-return: this option is used for accurate resident memory usage of the program, as shown in memory usage reporting tools (eg, the RSS column in top and htop). It makes it easier to verify the real memory usage.